Location Clubrooms
The club meets every Wednesday night at 7.30pm at its clubrooms in Birch Street Reserve, Waterloo for a slide show of recent trips or to listen to a guest speaker on an outdoor related topic. The best way to find out more about the club is to come along on a clubnight.
HVTC Clubrooms, Birch Street Reserve, Waterloo, Lower Hutt
For additional general information about the Hutt Valley Tramping Club, in particular for those new to the club, check under Join Us of the main menu.
Location Whakapapa Ski Field Lodge HVTC
Please note that if you are travelling from Wellington/Hutt Valley/Kapiti the route finder will show you a route which goes via Wanganui. Ignore this - Head for Bulls, turn right at Bulls towards Taihape. Follow the road left through Taihape. Turn left at Waiouru. Go through Ohakune. Turn right when you arrive at a T intersection and head for National Park. Turn right at National Park (you are on Bruce Road now). Turn right at the next intersection (still Bruce Road) and head toward the Chateau/Whakapapa and the "Top of the Bruce". Park your car and prepare for a 30 minute walk to the lodge.